Back to school at Longwick

As we all return to school and work after Christmas and New Year,Longwick have been off to a flying start with so many activities for their wonderful pupils.
Year 4 have been kicking off the half-term looking at changing states of matter, they are looking at solids, liquids and gasses, and identifying and classifying different material. They are going to be conducting lots of fun experiments looking at reversible and irreversible changes of state, what better excuse do you need for a bit of butter making?
The staff at Longwick are going to be extremely busy as they all take on physical challenges to raise money for Dementia UK. Members of staff are either completing 100km or 2022 press-ups between 14th January and 14th February. Staff are completing this challenge as part of the whole school dementia project as part of their PSHE provision. The whole school will also be taking part in making memory boxes on their journey to becoming dementia friends and hope to raise money for vital research.
The Friends of Longwick have been busy planning the Longwick Art show. A huge amount of preparation and planning has been going on for many months in readiness for this year’s exhibition. The show, based at Longwick School, will be as popular as ever with over 80 artists and creators showing over 450 pieces of outstanding original work. This year there is also a showcase of the pupils talent and creativity, offering parents a chance to view and buy their childrens work. Profits raised from the art show will go towards the school.