ODBST Summer Festival 2021

As the first week of the ODBST festival draws to a close, we have been in awe of the time and work that everyone has put in to coming up with inclusive and engaging activities that are being shared trust wide.
With 11 schools spread across Buckinghamshire and Milton-Keynes, and with very little contact having been able to take place between them for the last year due to Covid, the decision was made to run a two-week festival, across all our schools, to foster the spirit of community that is so close to the core of ODBST and its schools’ values.
The focus of the event has been creativity around the ideas of hope and happiness.
We have seen some wonderful art work so far and cannot wait to see the finished displays. There have been origami butterflies and doves brightening up receptions. Colourful pictures in the styles of Kadinsky, Quentin Blake, Eric Carle, Banksy and Patric Hughes. We have had bubbles, wristbands for pupils and staff, whole school picnics (which haven’t been possible in over a year), rainbows of hope and lots of laughter, we cannot wait to see what next week will bring.