The Oxford Diocesan Bucks School Trust-Governors’ Briefing Pack

Page | 44 Financial Policy and Planning 20. To review, adopt and monitor a Finance Policy which includes the local scheme of delegation for spending and budgetary adjustments (virements) for the Headteacher and other nominated staff. 21. To note and monitor all financial policies, including a charging and remissions policy. 22. To establish and maintain a three-year financial plan, taking into the account priorities of the School Development Plan, roll projection and signals from central government, within the constraints of available information. 23. To draft and propose to the LGB for adoption an annual school budget taking into account the priorities of the School Development Plan. 24. To make decisions in respect of service level agreements. 25. To ensure that sufficient funds are set aside for pay increments as set out in the Pay Policy and as recommended by the Headteacher. Financial Monitoring 26. To monitor the income and expenditure throughout the year of all delegated and devolved funds against the annual budget plan. 27. To receive at least termly budget monitoring reports from the Headteacher. 28. To utilise Integrated Curriculum Financial Planning (ICFP) and Get Information About Schools school benchmarking tools (available free from the DfE) and/or those available in the Trusts financial planning software to critically assess the school’s financial performance. 29. To seek pre-approval of spend that has not been included in the approved budget unless this spend has already been approved by the Trustees at a Board meeting covering a Trust-wide event such as changes to the Teachers Pay Award. 30. To report back to each meeting of the LGB and to alert them of potential problems or significant anomalies at an early date. 31. To receive advice following auditors’ reports to the Trust and to recommend to the LGB action as appropriate in response to audit findings. 32. To provide to the Trust financial information required, in a timely manner. Premises 33. To provide support and guidance for the LGB and the Headteacher on all matters relating to the maintenance and development of the premises and grounds, including Health and Safety. 34. To ensure completion of all condition surveys (including asbestos and legionella check information). 35. LGB to inform the Trust on an annual basis of their premises development plan. 36. To arrange professional surveys and emergency work as necessary. • The Headteacher is authorised to commit expenditure without the prior approval of the committee in any emergency where delay would result in further damage or present a risk to the health and safety of pupils or staff. In this event the Headteacher would normally be expected to consult the Resources Committee Chair at the earliest opportunity. 37. To establish and keep under regular review an Accessibility Plan and a Building Development Plan. 38. To review, adopt and monitor a Health and Safety policy. 39. To ensure that the LGB's responsibilities regarding litter, refuse and dog excrement are discharged according to Section 89 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, so far as is practicable. Staffing 40. To ensure that the school is staffed sufficiently for the fulfilment of the School Development Plan and the effective operation of the school, in compliance with Trust and school policies.